Jackie Wardle

Jackie Wardle

Jackie Wardle has 38 years' experience as a registered Social Worker/ Social Work Manager / Lead Locality Social Worker in local authority social services departments in Cornwall, Shropshire and Cheshire. Jackie has extensive experience of working with adults, particularly older individuals and holds an MA in Gerontology. Jackie has a particular interest in self-neglect and hoarding and developing multi-disciplinary safeguarding practice. Jackie is an experienced mentor, professional supervisor and qualified teacher and trainer of adults (PGCE), Practice Educator (Social Work) and NVQ assessor. Jackie is passionate about Continuing Professional Development, including developing ‘Learning in Practice’ (LIP) to raise professional and practice standards and achieve better outcomes.

Jamie Hanson

Jamie HansoN

Jamie Hanson is a registered social worker and has 38 years' experience working for local authorities in the North of England and Cornwall, as well as voluntary and charity sectors. Jamie has extensive experience as an independent Social Work Consultant and was a forerunner in the initial ‘Think Tanks’ and Personalisation Agenda pilot projects, promoting Strength-Based Approaches. Jamie has previously specialised in working alongside people with learning disabilities, mental health and safeguarding. Jamie is an established author in Partnership Working and a Master in NLP training. The Personalisation Agenda and Strength -Based Approach is central to all Jamie’s practice, for which he continues to be a strong advocate.

Jackie and Jamie are both registered Social Workers with Social Work England and are members of British Association of Social Work (BASW).

Our Commitment to Promoting Inclusive and Accessible Practice

Social Care Support promotes inclusive practice and provides an inclusive service, recognising, respecting, and valuing individuals' rights, diversity, difference, strengths, and contributions by actively promoting equality and fairness. We constructively challenge discrimination, both in the workplace, within day-to-day practice and when facilitating learning and training events.

Social Care Support works hard to ensure that the services we provide are accessible and safe for all, so that individuals can reach their full potential within a comfortable, supportive and creative learning environment, using a range of learning, and training methods. We ask that organisations and individuals commissioning our services inform us of any specific accessibility needs at an early stage so that we can ensure that in planning in our services the choice of venue, and our service delivery is fully inclusive.